Three Legacies Wrestling

Three Legacies Wrestling is a professional wrestling organization based in Lancaster, PA. Founded by former WWE Superstar, Jesus "Ricardo" Rodriguez, the company holds monthly wrestling shows at venues throughout Lancaster County.

All shows are family-friendly and feature high-flying wrestling action from international, national, regional and homegrown talent. Past wrestling stars who have appeared for the promotion include Sean "X-Pac" Waltman, Rhino, Dirty Dango, Al Snow, Mark Henry, Shannon Moore, and many others.

Shows are professionally filmed by Bobbaconda Productions and content is available for viewing on the streaming platform, Premier Streaming Network. Additional content is available on the 3LW social media channels and You Tube.

Three Legacies Wrestling

134 South Centerville Rd., Lancaster, PA 17603

  • PHONE: (717) 283-3168


  • Accessible
  • On-site Parking
  • Mobile Payments Accepted
  • Mobile Payments Required
  • Sidewalks near building with curb ramps

