Shop Must-Haves


Lancaster County is the a shopper's paradise

Long known for our fabulous outlet stores and hand-crafted Amish goods, Lancaster County is a shopper's paradise. Our art galleries play host to local and national artists alike, while our local shops feature treasures ranging from vintage clothes, unique glassware and other hard to find, but easy to love, items. Pennsylvania Dutch Country also offers authentic quilts, furniture, farmers markets, and antique shopping.

Shopping Trip Itinerary


Lapp's Toys

Nestled among farmlands and friends, Lapp's Toys has been...

Madcap & Co.

Find cards, candles, one-of-a-kind gifts at Downtown...

Old Candle Barn

Old Candle Barn

Relax and browse through our gatherings of primitive,...


Pebbles & Lace

Three family. Ruth, Becky and Chelsea...

Postal Connections

Postal Connections

Pack and Ship We work with all major carriers including...

Rohrer Seeds

Rohrer Seeds

Visit our store and shop for organic and heirloom seeds,...


Smucker Village

At Smucker Village you’ll find a truly unique shopping...

Tiger's Eye

Starting as an accessories store in 1996, The Tiger's Eye...


The Treasure Place

The Treasure Place is a unique shop offering a blend of...

Whistle Stop Shop

Whistle Stop Shop

The Whistle Stop Shop at the Railroad Museum of...

Cabalar Meat Co.

325 North Queen Street, The Keppel Building
Lancaster, PA 17602