Lafayette Day 2025
July 28, 2025
10:00 AM
–4:00 PM
Join us as we welcome the Marquis de Lafayette with fanfare and celebration, partnering with “The American Friends of Lafayette” who are re-creating the bicentennial of Lafayette’s exact step-by-step farewell tour through America from August 1824 through September 1825. Historic Rock Ford is thrilled to host Lafayette during the bicentennial of his original trip to Lancaster, PA in July 1825.
Our “Lafayette Day” celebration at Historic Rock Ford will include various free, fun, and educational activities throughout the day, including:
- Live musicians
- Fife & Drum performances
- Self-guided open house tours of the circa 1794 General Hand Mansion
- Sutlers
- Re-enactors/encampment
- Local youth art show
- Food for sale
- 1825: Lafayette in Lancaster, focus exhibit in the Snyder Gallery
- Farm wagon tours
- Open hearth cooking demonstrations
- Garden talks
- Conestoga Wagon
- Children’s Activity Tent w/ crafts & games
- Period dancing demonstrations
- Children’s Maypole dancing
- Vignette performances on the piazza
- French dining display
- Guest speakers & authors
- Reproduction of the original “triumphal arch” from 1825
- Photo opportunities
We invite you to “Celebrate, Educate & Commemorate” Lafayette’s bicentennial tour with us!
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881 Rockford Road Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 392-7223 Website